Avedji High School Construction

Lomè, Togo

Design-build project for construction of 2x new 4-classroom one-story buildings, a new office and storeroom, a new eight-stall Ventilated Improved Pit (VIP) latrine building (4 stalls for females/ 4 stalls for males), a new rainwater collection system with four taps for hand washing for each new classroom building, and a new solar power electrical system for each new classroom building in Lomè,
Togo. The new one-story classroom buildings shall be designed and constructed to accommodate a future second story addition.

The new classroom, office/storeroom buildings and latrine facilities shall be permanent structures utilizing reinforced concrete and CMU block construction methods.
The rainwater collection systems shall collect roof runoff from the new school building and supply water for hand washing.

Scope of work

CDC scope of work was performing and providing electronic design submittals ,Design Analysis for all civil construction works and list the basis of design for all project aspects and features and providing detail plans for any site features constructed or modified, for example walls, manholes, pavements, ramps, and so on, and also for any features special to the nature of the proposed use of the finished site.

  • Project Area Education
  • LocationLomè, Togo
  • SectorsConstruction Documents
    Design Development
    Technical Design
We require from buildings two kinds of goodness: first, the doing their practical duty well, then that they be graceful and pleasing in doing it.
John Ruskin