Abd Elmaboud Pharmacy

Fayoum, Egypt

Newly opened pharmacy in El Fayoum governorate designed by the CDC team who gave a special emphasis to the construction details and the identity of the special features of the space (lighting, colors, materials, etc.). As well as the emphasis on the brand of the pharmacy chains, these marketing details that complement the architectural and interior design of the pharmacy.

Scope of work

CDC Scope of work included all the entailed works, Interior & Exterior Design.

  • Project Area Retail
  • LocationFayoum, Egypt
  • SectorsArchitectural
    Conceptual Design
    Exterior Design
    Interior Design
An airplane moving through the sky could be the inspiration for the next store design. A lightning storm could inspire the next corporate office design. We designed a building after being moved by the patterns of a butterfly on a leaf. . . Our design philosophy is to be open to our surroundings and the design will find us.